Sunday, June 30, 2024

the WHO dogma was not defeated: They withdrew to fight another day

 James Roguski:

Saturday, June 29, 2024

forget the exotic: Treat high blood pressure, a major killer of the poor

LINK from PhilInquirer

Community screenings for high blood pressure cost as little as $1 per person, and the prescription of blood pressure medications often cost only $3-11 per year. Peer-reviewed research shows that controlling high blood pressure in the poorer half of the world would cost about $3.5 billion annually. But it would save almost a million lives each and every year. Put into economic terms, each dollar spent would achieve $16 in returns to society, making it one of the world’s most efficient policies.Despite becoming a bigger killer than infectious diseases—even in the developing world—chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease receive very little funding.

we have a lot of high bp here, from the high salt diet, even in the rural poor, whose main condiment is high salt sauces. 

One reason this is not a priority is that high blood pressure,  like diabetes and heart disease, it mainly affects the elderly 

(here it means over 60... I mentioned I wanted my heart checked for fatigue because I diagnosed a silent heart attack in my mom who complained only of lack of energy, and when the docs asked how old she was, I said 80, and they then asked me how old I was, and I said 75, and they laughed. I am old here).

But we do see a lot of middle age people here with evidence of stroke (foot drop and weak hand) so yes high blood pressure is a killer of middle age. ..

Conspiracy theories

a lot of this has been revealed in various books and on right wing sites, but this video pretty well summarizes it.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Racism in medical care

Ann Alhouse posts about the huge increase in neonatal deaths which the authors claim is from no abortion in Texas.

Yup. Just like the 1960s, expect to see a lot of sob stories to push the agenda of the elites to keep abortion a human right so these Karens can have their careers without bothering with kids (and who never worry about how they could outreach and help women forced to abort because of lack of financial or social support).

But this article is lying with statistics. 

 The article claims that the neonatal mortality increased 8%. 

That sounds bad, but then they note it is now 5.75 per 1,000 

 But if you realized the baseline was 5.5 percent, which increased 8 percent to 5.75, this doesn't sound so bad: 

Indeed it could be a statistical fluke,

This article has the statistics up to 2021.

you know what I notice? 

The rate of neonatal deaths in whites and Hispanics is about 5, but the rate of neonatal deaths in non Hispanic Black women is  10.

In other words, they push the tiny statistic for their own agenda, but miss the elephant in the room: An excess of neonatal deaths caused by racism.

It's not all racism per se, but psychological distrust of the medical system (Tuskegee. OKC meningocoel non treatment experiment among other things).

And because of this distrust, medical problems that could be prevented or treated if caught early end up causing sickness and even death.

When it comes to prenatal care, Black women have a higher incidence of toxemia, untreated high blood pressure, diabetes, lack of access to prenatal care, poor diets (high salt and high fat diets),  hemoglobinopathies, and a higher incidence of twin births article discusses.

a lot of these things could be picked up and often treated if routine and early prenatal care was done.

Covid infections during pregnancy and also the mRNA vaccine has been suspected to increase premature births, but is not even mentioned here, 

nor are other viral illnesses can also increase the rate of malformations (e.g. Rubella, because the lady never got her MMR vaccine, or Zika, which I suspect is still around, or Hep B or C disease or other STDs that are found on routine prenatal screening that was never done) . And of course, screening for illicit drug use.

Many of these things can be treated if prenatal care was available. 

But often there are fewer clinics convenient for the moms to get an appointment, not just in the black communities, but in rural areas,

and often there is a distrust of the system in the black community. And this includes distrust of some doctors (including many FMG who don't understand black culture or come from countries where blacks are looked down upon.)

 So the problem is racism, not that moms can't do abortions on malformed babies.




I have worked in rural medicine where many of my patients were poor whites or Hispanics, but it was frustrating because no one was going out and finding the Hispanic farm workers who were women, often who lacked papers, to get them screened for their pregnancy.

and I also worked with the IHS, which had an active outreach using local home health workers to outreach to our patients. Too often the IHS docs came and went, but the tribal home health workers, local nurse midwives, and the fact that local health care workers could work with them via the extended family ties were what made the difference.

Yes, this can be done. And it requires you to work with organizations that are accepted by the locals: which for many black communities are their churches, social centers, and even barbershops.


,,,,,,,,,,update; Another elephant in the room: Is the increase in malformation/premature deliveries, small for date babies a side effect of the mRNA vaccines?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Monday, June 24, 2024

shigella outbreak in homeless

 from LegalInsurrection:

from KTVU:

SAN JOSE, Calif. - In Santa Clara County, public health officials are warning about an outbreak of gastrointestinal disease. They're seeing cases of shigella, which causes vomiting and diarrhea, in several homeless encampments. They're really hoping to stop the spread.

Hoping to stop the spread? The way to stop this is fairly straighforward, but of course in California the state says the homeless have a right to defecate in public spaces. 

... There is concern in the San Jose encampments that the disease is spreading like wildfire. ... The highly contagious bacterial infection is spread through feces and poor hygiene and Santa Clara County is seeing an outbreak among the homeless. They have three confirmed cases and another 23 likely. "Really we're working aggressively to make sure that it doesn't spread further beyond the population or encampments that we have been seeing reported illness in. I think that's our main goal right now," says Monika Roy, assistant health officer with the Santa Clara County Public Health Department.
So public health officials are doing outreach, bringing testing kits and hygiene kits with them.
And city officials are working on sanitation.

why assisted suicide is a danger to the black and disabled community

 Anita Cameron explains:

As access to healthcare, services and supports are being stripped from disabled people around the country, we cannot continue to push forward with assisted suicide laws.
Cuts to funding for home care services, as well as reduction or elimination of eligibility to those services, combined with racial and disability disparities and discrimination in healthcare, will lead to those being deemed to be terminal to feel that they have no choice but to ask for assisted suicide.
Lack of access to home care givers due to workforce shortages, with workers unable to work enough hours and earn a livable wage, will further compound this. As a disabled Black person, I am alarmed at the negative impact that the normalization of assisted suicide will have on Black disabled, in particular, because contrary to what assisted suicide proponents say, assisted suicide is all about disability.
,,, According to the Oregon data (Oregon was the first state to enact an assisted suicide law), the top five reasons people request assisted suicide are: loss of autonomy, decreasing ability to participate in enjoyable activities, loss of dignity, feelings of being an emotional or financial burden on family and loved ones, and loss of control of bodily functions, such as incontinence and vomiting. These are all disability related reasons that can be addressed with services and supports, not assisted suicide.
We Blacks are overwhelmingly against assisted suicide, but there’s an organization called Compassion and Choices that’s going into Black communities trying to convince us that assisted suicide is a good thing and that it’s a right. That’s how they bamboozle us by couching it in those terms, because we know what it feels like not to have basic human and civil rights.
Compassion and Choices, once known as The Hemlock Society, is an organization formed and led by middle and upper middle class whites. This demographic of white people overwhelmingly support assisted suicide. Compassion and Choices hires middle class Black staff to come into our communities to spread the lie about assisted suicide because they know that we’re more likely to listen if information comes from someone who looks like us. As a result, some middle class and wealthy Blacks are falling for this farce.
As assisted suicide becomes normalized, racial disparities in healthcare will mean that Black patients will be more likely to be written off as terminal and steered towards ending our lives. Being disabled compounds this. Disabled people also experience health disparities because doctors quite literally devalue our lives, don’t want us as patients and don’t believe that we are treated unfairly.
Add being Black to that, and the risks of being written off as terminal in a state where assisted suicide is legal, rises exponentially.
In the face of rampant healthcare inequities, it’s no surprise that assisted suicide is rarely used by the Black community. We fight to live. We fight to get access to treatment. We fight for end of life treatment. We fight for medical care that most white folks take for granted. Black people, wake up


this is not limited to the black community.
When I worked for the IHS we once sent a lady with frontal lobe syndrome (alert but partially paralyzed, with paradoxical crying when she was happy, something that disturbed the other patients. She also needed a feeding tube) 

 So we asked a neurologist about the best medicine to treat this (antipsychotics, or maybe anti seizure medicines or even beta blockers which are used in small doses for behavior outbursts in the brain damaged).

Instead, the neurologist without examining the lady except for a short glance, took the entire hour to pressure the family into removing the feeding tube. The family, who were Native Americans, kept quiet and did not respond (this was a cultural response to not saying no). But a cousin, a nurse, who was more westernized, at the end of the meeting turned to the doctor and said they wouldn't kill their relative, because Indians, unlike you white folk, don't kill our elders.

Indeed, their handicap was seen as another path that the Great Spirit gave them to walk, and often our patients in the nursing home were considered as being on the other side, i.e. able to see spirits and intercede for us.

and as assisted suicide is seen as the treatment for the sick and handicapped, the next step of course is for medical personnel to help them along, since the medical profession now sees death as a good outcome for people who are vulnerable. In the USA this is racist of course, but the mindset is already there in the UK, where N.I.C.E. guidelines stress keeping treatment cheap.


Saturday, June 22, 2024

loneliness as a public health problem

from the CDC

What is already known about this topic? 
 Loneliness and lack of social connection are widespread and pose a threat to mental and physical health. 

 What is added by this report? 
 In 2022, the prevalence of feeling lonely always, usually, or sometimes among adults in 26 U.S. states was highest for bisexual (56.7%) and transgender persons (range = 56.4%–63.9%); these groups also reported the highest prevalence of stress, frequent mental distress, and history of depression (range = 34.3%–67.2%).

 Prevalence of lack of social and emotional support was elevated among transgender adults. 

 What are the implications for public health practice? ''

Addressing the threat to mental health among sexual and gender minority groups should include consideration of loneliness and lack of social and emotional support.

Overall prevalence estimates were 32.1% for loneliness and 24.1% for lack of social and emotional support (Table 2). 

Within the corresponding demographic categories, prevalences of loneliness and lack of social and emotional support were respectively highest among those aged 18–34 years (43.3% and 29.7%), those with less than a high school education (41.1% and 36.3%), those who never married (45.9% and 34.7%), and those with household income below $25,000 (47.9% and 39.8%); prevalences were lowest among non-Hispanic White adults (29.6% and 20.1%) and those who had two adults living in a household (27.4% and 19.1%). 

Loneliness was significantly more common among women than among men (33.5% versus 30.7%), whereas lack of social and emotional support was more common among men than among women (22.3% versus 26.1%). '

The prevalence of loneliness was significantly higher among adults who identified as gay (41.2%), lesbian (44.8%), bisexual (56.7%), or something other than gay, lesbian, bisexual, or straight (50.7%), than among those who identified as straight (30.3%). 

Loneliness was significantly higher among adults who were transgender female (56.4%), transgender male (62.6%), or transgender gender nonconforming (63.9%), than among those who were cisgender (32.1%). 

Lack of social and emotional support was significantly more prevalent among adults who identified as gay (29.0%), bisexual (36.5%) and something other than gay, lesbian, bisexual, or straight (39.3%), than among those who identified as straight (22.8%); prevalence among adults who were transgender female (44.8%), transgender male (34.4%), or transgender gender nonconforming (41.4%) was significantly greater than among those who were cisgender (23.8%).

Friday, June 14, 2024

weaponizing m pox

Gain of function.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

WHO treaty pulling a fast one on the world


it is also on Rumble just in case Youtube removes it LINK

Prolonged space travel could affect kidneys

 From Behind the Black, a space blog:

an article from Univ College London quoting Nature points out problems with the heart, body and kidneys have been known for years.

But now there is a question if it comes from solar radiation rather than just low gravity. But no, it seems to be from low gravity:

The primary reason that kidney stones develop during space missions had previously been assumed to be solely due to microgravity-induced bone loss that leads to a build-up of calcium in the urine. Rather, the UCL team’s findings indicated that the way the kidneys process salts is fundamentally altered by space flight and likely a primary contributor to kidney stone formation. Perhaps the most alarming finding, at least for any astronaut considering a three-year round trip to Mars, is that the kidneys of mice exposed to radiation simulating GCR for 2.5 years experienced permanent damage and loss of function.

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Cannibis and psychosis


science alert.

on the other hand, the population in the studies examined were self selected, not a true cross section of users:

Tabea Schoeler, a statistical geneticist at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland, and colleagues selected 162 high-quality studies for their analysis. Most of the 201,283 participants had been part of observational studies assessing the experiences of recreational cannabis users, and looking for links to demographic, social, and genetic factors.

Rates of cannabis-associated psychosis varied substantially across different types of studies: Observational studies and experimental research reported high rates of 19 percent and 21 percent respectively, whereas medicinal cannabis studies reported far lower but still significant rates of psychosis, in around 2 percent of participants.

but what is not noted: The destruction of society when such drugs are widespread: because people no longer care about work, family etc. (as in the lotus eaters of myth). 

not mentioned: Dose related problems.

Someone using it for pain, or once a week to relax, is at less risk than a heavy user.

And the drug culture is about using drugs, so often the druggies hang out with other druggies, seduce or pressure non druggies into using drugs, and of course go on to hard drugs. 

The question if the studies are fake because of self selection also brings to mind the use of hallucinogens for depression. 

Friday, June 7, 2024

Mosquito control in World War II

Brian Sibley, who has many posts on classical Disney cartoons, today blogged about Disney's help with fighting World War II via education and propaganda.

An example is this one, about controlling malaria, which was a major threat to fighting the war in tropical countries.

Note that back then mosquito control did not use DDT or insecticides.

I should note that the mosquitoes that spread malaria are different from the ones that carry dengue or yellow fever, but the control is the same. 

And more modern weapons include not just insecticide but electronic zappers indoors, insecticide impregnated nets to sleep under, encouraging using DEET and other insect repellants, screening window etc.

 and more recently, for the dengue mosquito, infecting mosquitoes with Wolbachia  bacteria


Thursday, June 6, 2024

repairing faces


pigs and guinea pigs

Tea at Trianon links to a xenotransplant, where a man was given a pig kidney. 

 He later died, cause of death not mentioned, and the family says thank you to the doctors for giving him seven more weeks of life. 

 what's wrong with this picture?

It was unethical since an alternative treatment was available: renal dialysis.

This is not the first time the ethics have been stretched to experiment with transplanting organs.

Last year, doctors in NYC hospital did a gene edited pig kidney transplant that worked for one month. And Univ Ala did a kidney tranplant and it lasted one week.

The problem? The patients involved were "brain dead", so could not give consent. (and I am not going to go into the problems of diagnosing brain death, nor will I discuss how ethicists are trying to expand that definition to get more organ donors from people merely comatose. That is a discussion for another time).

the problem with pig transplants goes beyond ethics and the YUCK factor:

in the Massachusetts case, the gentleman and his family gave their consent, so the ethical question of choice did not occur, although one wonders if the family actually recognized the experimental danger. So the ethics was not worse than doing it on a brain dead person who had no choice.

But for the gentleman in Massachusetts, what is not mentioned in the articles is the dirty little secrets that  there is a well known treatment for kidney failure: Dialysis.
italics mine.

you can live for years on dialysis, but previous brain dead patients given transplants of pig kidneys only lived a month or two, so there was no guarantee that this would have kept him alive for a long time.

So maybe if he just remained on dialysis he might have lived a couple more years. I hope the family realizes this and gets a good lawyer to sue.

 But never mind. The headlines make the doctors proud of themselves.

and oh yes: Follow the money

But surging interest in xenotransplantation, predicted by some estimates to be a $25-billion-dollar industry within the next five years

Other ethical problems about kidney transplants:  we see here in the third world:  paying a desperately poor person to risk his health donating a kidney for money, or buying one in China from a FalunGong prisoner scheduled for execution.

so was the experimental treatment of this Massachusetts gentleman cleared by the hospital ethics board?

yes I am sure that the ethics boards okayed it.

 bioethicists are quite flexible in many ways, and any lay person reading the ethical literatures for the last 30 years would be shocked at things that have been proposed.

which is why civil libertarian expert Nat Hentoff once called bioethicists apologists for death, because they could always figure a way to make anything ethical, up to and including killing a patient.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

deaths up despite vaccines?



rumble link

UKTelegraph Covid vaccines may have helped fuel rise in excess deaths Experts call for more research into side effects and possible links to mortality rates.

article at waybackmachine.

Researchers from The Netherlands analysed data from 47 Western countries and discovered there had been more than three million excess deaths since 2020, with the trend continuing despite the rollout of vaccines and containment measures.

They said the “unprecedented” figures “raised serious concerns” and called on governments to fully investigate ,,, The study found that across Europe, the US and Australia there had been more than one million excess deaths in 2020, at the height of the pandemic, but also 1.2 million in 2021 and 800,000 and 2022 after measures were implemented.

Researchers said the figure included deaths from Covid-19, but also the “indirect effects of the health strategies to address the virus spread and infection”.

They warned that side effects linked to the Covid vaccine had included ischaemic stroke, acute coronary syndrome and brain haemorrhage, cardiovascular diseases, coagulation, haemorrhages, gastrointestinal events and blood clotting.,

“It was predicted early in the lockdown period that limited access to healthcare for non-Covid conditions would lead to delays in the diagnosis and treatment of time-critical conditions such as cancer, cardiac disease, diabetes and dementia and that this would lead to excess deaths from these conditions,” he said. NHS England data shows that per 100,000 people the cancer incidence was 521 in the pre-lockdown year, then fell to 456 in 2020-2021, suggesting around 45,000 cancers were missed in the first pandemic year.

BMJ article HERE.

Plasma: The medical breakthrough that saved lives on D Day

it's the 80th anniversary of D Day, and unlike many battles of that war, I didn't have relatives who fought there.

However, one of my teachers in medical school was there working with the blood banks that supplied plasma (and later whole blood), a breakthrough that saved many lives from hemorrhagic shock.


The survival rate among those who were not killed outright, however, was far greater than anyone might have thought possible. It was estimated that ninety-six survived out of every one hundred wounded. ...

“The foremost lifesaver,” the general declared, “is plasma, the dried blood extract which millions of Americans have been giving the Red Cross for nearly two years. Plasma saved shock and bleeding, and without that many men would have died before they could have reached medical care.
Second in lifesaving was surgery, which cleaned up the wounds to reduce risk of infection. In third place were the sulfa drugs, aiding to minimize infection.”