Friday, June 7, 2024

Mosquito control in World War II

Brian Sibley, who has many posts on classical Disney cartoons, today blogged about Disney's help with fighting World War II via education and propaganda.

An example is this one, about controlling malaria, which was a major threat to fighting the war in tropical countries.

Note that back then mosquito control did not use DDT or insecticides.

I should note that the mosquitoes that spread malaria are different from the ones that carry dengue or yellow fever, but the control is the same. 

And more modern weapons include not just insecticide but electronic zappers indoors, insecticide impregnated nets to sleep under, encouraging using DEET and other insect repellants, screening window etc.

 and more recently, for the dengue mosquito, infecting mosquitoes with Wolbachia  bacteria


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