Saturday, June 8, 2024

Cannibis and psychosis


science alert.

on the other hand, the population in the studies examined were self selected, not a true cross section of users:

Tabea Schoeler, a statistical geneticist at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland, and colleagues selected 162 high-quality studies for their analysis. Most of the 201,283 participants had been part of observational studies assessing the experiences of recreational cannabis users, and looking for links to demographic, social, and genetic factors.

Rates of cannabis-associated psychosis varied substantially across different types of studies: Observational studies and experimental research reported high rates of 19 percent and 21 percent respectively, whereas medicinal cannabis studies reported far lower but still significant rates of psychosis, in around 2 percent of participants.

but what is not noted: The destruction of society when such drugs are widespread: because people no longer care about work, family etc. (as in the lotus eaters of myth). 

not mentioned: Dose related problems.

Someone using it for pain, or once a week to relax, is at less risk than a heavy user.

And the drug culture is about using drugs, so often the druggies hang out with other druggies, seduce or pressure non druggies into using drugs, and of course go on to hard drugs. 

The question if the studies are fake because of self selection also brings to mind the use of hallucinogens for depression. 

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