Monday, June 24, 2024

shigella outbreak in homeless

 from LegalInsurrection:

from KTVU:

SAN JOSE, Calif. - In Santa Clara County, public health officials are warning about an outbreak of gastrointestinal disease. They're seeing cases of shigella, which causes vomiting and diarrhea, in several homeless encampments. They're really hoping to stop the spread.

Hoping to stop the spread? The way to stop this is fairly straighforward, but of course in California the state says the homeless have a right to defecate in public spaces. 

... There is concern in the San Jose encampments that the disease is spreading like wildfire. ... The highly contagious bacterial infection is spread through feces and poor hygiene and Santa Clara County is seeing an outbreak among the homeless. They have three confirmed cases and another 23 likely. "Really we're working aggressively to make sure that it doesn't spread further beyond the population or encampments that we have been seeing reported illness in. I think that's our main goal right now," says Monika Roy, assistant health officer with the Santa Clara County Public Health Department.
So public health officials are doing outreach, bringing testing kits and hygiene kits with them.
And city officials are working on sanitation.

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