Saturday, June 29, 2024

forget the exotic: Treat high blood pressure, a major killer of the poor

LINK from PhilInquirer

Community screenings for high blood pressure cost as little as $1 per person, and the prescription of blood pressure medications often cost only $3-11 per year. Peer-reviewed research shows that controlling high blood pressure in the poorer half of the world would cost about $3.5 billion annually. But it would save almost a million lives each and every year. Put into economic terms, each dollar spent would achieve $16 in returns to society, making it one of the world’s most efficient policies.Despite becoming a bigger killer than infectious diseases—even in the developing world—chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease receive very little funding.

we have a lot of high bp here, from the high salt diet, even in the rural poor, whose main condiment is high salt sauces. 

One reason this is not a priority is that high blood pressure,  like diabetes and heart disease, it mainly affects the elderly 

(here it means over 60... I mentioned I wanted my heart checked for fatigue because I diagnosed a silent heart attack in my mom who complained only of lack of energy, and when the docs asked how old she was, I said 80, and they then asked me how old I was, and I said 75, and they laughed. I am old here).

But we do see a lot of middle age people here with evidence of stroke (foot drop and weak hand) so yes high blood pressure is a killer of middle age. ..

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