Friday, April 7, 2023

covid conspiracy theories

 Dr. C has a video about the neurological problems after covid, which didn't get a lot of publicity outside of conspiracy sites


 I no longer practice, and maybe because so few Filipinos got boosters for covid, and many got various vaccines, the problem of neurological damage afte covid shots has not gotten a lot of publicity, although enough athletes have died from cardiomyopathy in the USA for that problem to be noted. 

But I was not aware of the neurological problems that could be vaccine related, even though a few cases of Guillan Barre syndrome after the swine flu vaccine back in the 1970s resulted in that campaign being stopped, and probably led to the loss of the election for President Ford. The scandal was because the expected epidemic of swine flu never happened, so the 45 million people receiving the shot essentially didn't need it.

the numbers came to estimating one person out of 100 thousand getting the vaccine got GB syndrome (but remember 45 million got this shot).

No, I was in Africa at the time, so didn't get the shot or treat people who got the shot and I've never seen a case of Guillan Barre syndrome.

The CDC article has this addition: J&J/Janssen COVID-19 might be associated with a slight increase in the number of GB cases, but not the other vaccines.

Hmm.. why that one? it is adenovirus based, not mRNA based. And it requires only one shot. But again, this could be a clue: (from NebraskaMed)

The adenovirus delivers the little piece of DNA to the cell that will then make the spike protein. After your cells produce the spike protein, your immune system creates antibodies toward the spike protein, protecting you from infection.

in contrast: mRNA vaccines work differently. A plainly written article explaining how it works From NoterdameWorks:

“An mRNA vaccine works a little differently than most other vaccines that are available to us, such as a more traditional mechanism of vaccination for the measles or the flu or chickenpox. Typically, those either use a weakened, killed or a picked-apart copy of the virus that won’t normally cause you to contract disease, but it's similar enough to the real virus or bacteria that your body mounts an immune response to the real version.,,,]

This was how the Sinovax vaccine used by China works. However, the bad news is that it didn't give good protection.

so how did the mRNA vaccines work?

“The way these new mRNA vaccines work is the mRNA molecule is surrounded by a lipid shell or kind of a chunk of fat, and all that chunk of fat does is allow that mRNA molecule to enter your cells, otherwise mRNA can't get past the membrane. And once it's there, your body reads that mRNA and uses its natural machinery to produce a specific protein that would naturally be on the virus that you are vaccinating against — in this case, the spike protein, which a lot of people have probably heard of for COVID. Your body naturally recognizes that spike protein, after your cell makes it, as something bad. And it makes a bunch of immune responses to that spike protein without you ever having to have the virus inside your body ...




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