Wednesday, June 7, 2023

from yellow card to WHO controlling you


I am old enough to remember when we had to prove we were vaccinated against small pox and yellow fever by carrying a yellow booklet that we had to carry with our passport.

the present yellow card started in 1967, but NPR notes that this practice started way back in 1898. and that there was a need for this because certain preventable diseases could spread among pilgrims to religious sites in India or in the Hajj.
Since smallpox is now eliminate in the world, the only vaccine mandated for the card is for yellow fever. The article discusses the WHO and their feeling that there is a need for a similar (and up to date) document for Covid.

Uh, the problem is that Covid keeps changing, and being vaccinated does not prevent you from catching or spreading the disease. So why is this necessary?

Dr, C discusses

Or is this part of the power grab by the WHO to give everyone in the world a super ID card to control them, in the same way China controls their population and can punish them for doing bad stuff.

but what about if we get hit by another epidemic, such as bird flu?


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