Thursday, May 11, 2023

it starts benignly, but what happens after 30 years?


A good explanation about three parent babies. If you believe life begins at conception, the first one would be okay, but the second one would not, although he explains that maybe conception hadn't happened yet so that is iffy.
The problem? 

Essentially this is experimenting on a child, who cannot give his permission to be experimented on. And what happens if it doesn't work? Will they simply abort the kid or wait until he is born to do it?

This is the same problem as we see in test tube babies.

When the first such baby was conceived, they asked the "smiling' pope what he would say to her parents, and he said something like congratulations on your child.

But the technology behind this distorted having children on many levels.

One: it made having a child a right. 

Two: it ignored the risk to the child (IVF children have a high rate of miscarriage and problems).

Three: because it is expensive, doctors will implant several embryos, and then abort the extra ones. 

Four: like birth control, it removes the link between sexuality and having children, so the problems forseen by Paul VI about artificial contraception have come true, and this is just one furthur step on that path.

Five: it commodifies having a child.

Nowadays you can pay a woman to carry your child for you. This exploits poor women who carry the child. One reporter went to the Slums of Manila and asked a tricycle (taxi) driver is he would mind if his common law wife would do this for money, and he said no problem. She got angry and corrected him: I even care if I lose my cell phone. How would I feel about losing a child that I carried for nine months?

Six: Often these IVF babies for older women buy eggs from women: college students or Eastern European women. This puts their health at risk.

Seven: there are tens of thousands of unwanted and unused embryos sitting in freezers. What do you do with them? The dirty little secret is that as they get older most die. Ironically, they can't be used for stem cells etc. (thank the Lord: because a mom who okayed her child to be experimented before it is killed )

The sexual revolution didn't start with the pill or Human Vitae: It started in the USA with easy divorce, meaning women had no guarantee they wouldn't be discarded. Then welfare made it easy for women to discard abusive, lazy, or just boring husgands. Then welfare and the change in public opinion made it possible for women to have babies out of wedlock, leaving men out of the picture completely. Then since sex wasn't about babies and families, so why not gay sex, perverted sex, polyamory for pleasure, etc.

In the case of fixing a genetic problem, Catholics would oppose it, because even if the first case no life was taken, because it interferes with the normal pair bonding in marriage where having children is considered something good: The old phrase was the fruit of the womb.

In a world with chemical pollution being opposed by green movement, hardly anyone discusses the hormones and manipulation in IVF.

Heck they don't even discuss the problems of hormones for trans kids (I took some hormones for gynecological problems. The emotinal side effects are real, and then there is the metabolic problems etc.).

But that's another problem to be discussed at a later date.

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