Friday, May 20, 2022

taboo questions in the modern world


 all the pushing of men having babies not coming from the grass roots but from elites who have an agenda.

Pope Francis condemned gender theory 

saying the ideology seeks to erase all differences between men and women. While pulling no punches in his condemnation of “gender theory”, the pope insists that the pastoral treatment of people with homosexual inclinations is a separate matter from the top-down cultural imposition of gender neutrality....

which is why I am wondering why no one in the USA is pointing out that the teachers pushing these theories are essentially teaching religion in public schools.

From a doctor's standpoint, as Francis pointed out, we have to help people in these situations, and this doesn't mean pushing our own religious ideas on them, but it also means we recognize that some of their actions might be medically harmful and that we will have to be aware of these problems.

There is a difference between accepting people, and promoting dangerous behavior as something admirable to suseptible children.

hence the pushback against this agenda in public schools: aka Groomers. 

What upsets me as a doctor is the absurd push for normalizing men having babies.

Uh, doesn't anyone worry that all those hormones taken by the mother birthing person might harm the fetus?  Testosterone can cause masculinization of the young baby, especially if taken early in pregnancy.

true, a few small studies shoe most of them stopped their hormones to get pregnant, but there are few decent studies out there (most are anecdotal reports of a handful of patients by those with an agenda).

the problem of testosterone on the growing fetus is not just in women taking testosterone to transition, but in women with ovarian problems that give them a high testosterone level, birth control pills whose progesterone has testosterone like effects. and taking medicines like Danazol that have a lot of testosterone side effects to treat endometriosis or other medical problems.

another taboo item about these pregnancies:

In the lay press any whisper of problems is blamed on transphobia, but the medical literature hints that not all people might be okay psychologically or physically. Is this from transphobia or are they trans because they saw transition as the cure for their psychological stresses? 

But what is not discussed in all the push to normalize men having babies: the child.

so the medical literature will report on the psychological ability to "chest feed" and how these people felt about it (questioning 22 patients, and although a BMJ study not all of them spoke English but most of them were affluent and had college degrees). Very nice article, but it's all about them and how they feel and how caregivers have to recognize how they feel and try to use the correct language and not hurt their feelings.

Yet this study of Transgender people notes a high level of autism in girls seeking to transition to men.

And this small study of transgender women revealed a high level of HIV postitive patients and homelessness. (but didn't mention if drug abuse was a problem).

but my main question is the testosterone taken by the birthing people. True, many didn't take it during pregnancy, but still,  the influence of hormones, (innate, environmental, or medicinal) on the growing fetus is well known when it comes to testosterone.

from pubmed:

Testosterone plays an important role in mammalian brain development. In neural regions with appropriate receptors testosterone, or its metabolites, influences patterns of cell death and survival, neural connectivity and neurochemical characterization. Consequently, testosterone exposure during critical periods of early development produces permanent behavioural changes. In humans, affected behaviours include childhood play behaviour, sexual orientation, core gender identity and other characteristics that show sex differences (i.e. differ on average between males and females). These influences have been demonstrated primarily in individuals who experienced marked prenatal hormone abnormalities and associated ambiguities of genital development (e.g. congenital adrenal hyperplasia). However, there is also evidence that testosterone works within the normal range to make some individuals within each sex more sex-typical than others. The size of testosterone-related influences, and perhaps even their existence, varies from one sex-typed characteristic to another. For instance: prenatal exposure to high levels of testosterone has a substantial influence on sex-typical play behaviour, including sex-typed toy preferences, whereas influences on core gender identify and sexual orientation are less dramatic. In addition: there appears to be little or no influence of prenatal testosterone on mental rotations ability, although mental rotations ability shows a marked sex difference. These findings have implications for basic understanding of the role of testosterone in normative gender development, as well as for the clinical management of individuals with disorders of sex development (formerly called intersex syndromes).

 The high adrogen side effects was one reason the newer birth control pills have less progesterone...  some of these (especially those used in the past) had androgen side effects on the fetus.

The psychological side effects of hormones is well known but poorly publicized because women might not take the pill if this was publicized, leading to more babies or more abortions.

But testosterone is not the only worry: What about phytoestrogens/xenoestrogens in the environment?

The link between this and obesity/metabolic syndrome is known, but it can also affect fertility and behavior.

in other words, maybe phytoestrogen/xenoestrogen, pesticide/herbicides, and hormones from BC pills in the environment will result in a dystopian babyless world envisioned in the film Children of Men.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Doc .. you might find this of some interest .. new research published this week:
