Friday, July 28, 2023

the myocarditis coverup

 When I took the AZ vaccine in summer 2021 I was aware of the blood clot problem but it was higher in young men, and my risk/benefit ratio as an elder was low.

But the mRNA vaccine coverups are disturbing. Especially as many boosters are being pushed on low risk people.

So Dr C points out a European study on the Moderna vaccine that causes (probably a temporary) myocarditis problem: why important? Because there is a screening test for it, and it's not being done, and many of the anecdotal stories have been noticed and pushed by conspiracy anti vaxxers, and ridiculed by the experts.

So what if the crazies turn out to be true?


Update: Legal insurrection summarizes the article: there is a lack of a control group comparison and no measurement of troponin etc before the shot.

However, the high level of evidence suggests that the shot should not be given and the Swiss gov't no longer recommends it especially since most people have immunity to covid.

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