Monday, July 31, 2023

racism in reality is not recognizing cultural differences

 basic public health always clashes with rights.

So when Diane Feinstein tried to close the bathhouses that were at the center of a Hep B and syphillis epidemic among gays, an election recall was started and the politicians got the message: Don't restrict places where anonymous promiscuous sex was happening. 

This isn't the only time this happened: The Hepatitis A epidemic caused by poor hygiene at homeless encampments went on for over a year before someone said hey maybe we should do basic sanitation 

So now we read a cdc report on the MPox epidemic shots in California

poorly written as usual, 

Demographic disparities among persons completing the 2-dose mpox vaccination series have been previously described.

What are the implications for public health practice? Route of administration of the first dose was not associated with lower overall 2-dose series completion rates.

translation: the SC vs IM rate doesn't matter. This is basic observation so okay

MY problem is with this part:

White persons (64.1%), persons aged ≥65 years (72.6%), and adults with male sex assignment at birth (62.1%); series completion was lowest among non-Hispanic Black or African American persons (51.3%), persons aged 18–24 years (42.9%), and adults assigned female sex at birth (42.8%).

well, at least they use the part about sex assigned at birth, because it is well known that trans females, born men, retain the sexual practices of men. In other words they sleep around a lot. So putting them in the female cohort would bias the findings

Among 119,345 California residents who received their first JYNNEOS dose during August 9, 2022–March 31, 2023, a total of 71,317 (59.8%) completed the 2-dose series

hmm... that's a lot of people out there at risk.

the high rate of vaccination in gay white men was due to person to person education of each other, because they essentially become a clan group. In blacks and Hispanics, however, often these men are bisexual: they hide their MSM practices out of shame. So the outreach should have been different to that community

A lot of what they call "racism" is actually not being sensitive to the cultural differences, in this case, the religious background of shame

they actually acknowledge this: 

Issues including access to vaccination, assessment of patient risk, and communication to disaffected populations by trusted messengers might be considered for future studies on disparities in vaccine acceptance.

left out of this: that a lot of the spread could be lessened by closing places of anonymous sexual encounters such as certain bars, bathhouses, or raves.

I used to tease my smoking patients that the only sin in today's world is smoking tobacco cigarettes. stuff like misusing alcohol or taking drugs, promixuous sex, and riskly sexual behavior, no problem.


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