Friday, July 15, 2022

being trans means never having to say you are sorry


being trans means never having to say you are sorry: while the Biden administration lauds the trans doctor, they are ignoring the elephant in the room: The excess nursing home deaths cause in Pennsylvania under a policy to place infectious covid patients back into nursing homes. The article points fingers at the governor, but who was the expert in the Wolf administration who advised and supported this policy?

Specifically, a state Health Department memo that said nursing homes must accept COVID-positive patients. Federal guidance said they can or should.

so what do you do if you work for the government? Obey the regulations or do what is right?

Answer: You obey guidelines, or you are in danger of being ostracized or ridiculed or losing your job (been there, done that). 

“We warned against that guidance then and we’ll still denounce it today,” said Zach Shamberg of Pennsylvania Health Care Association. The Wolf Administration says the “must” sentence is just one sentence. That the full guidance also required nursing homes to have proper safeguards before taking COVID patients. Shamberg admits he told his members that if they can’t admit safely, don’t admit at all — order or no order. “We were clear with our members if you don’t have the PPE if you don’t have the testing and staffing if you can’t cohort then do not accept COVID-positive patients at risk and it puts care in jeopardy,” Shamberg said.

ah so easy to say no? Well, I remember back in the 1990s when our nursing home was being badgered by a bureaucrat to admit a patient with a wound infected by  VRStaphAureus, a staphlococcus germ that could not be cured with any known antibiotic. 

We had several diabetics with open wounds in our nursing homes, so we did not want to risk their wounds being infected with this germ: But the bureaucrat insisted that we could prevent the spread if we followed the guidelines. 

But we knew from experience this was not true. Even if staff followed guidelines, the germ could easily spread through the common areas (unless of course you want to put everyone in the nursing home in solitary confinement).

With covid, it was worse, because  many news reports showed that the nursing homes lacked enough PPE...and then there is the fantasy that ignores the reality of nursing homes, where often semi trained and overworked staff care for the elderly.

so exactly why is this bozo essentially hired by the Biden administration to oversee public health?



and why are these two low level officials, one that is posited to work for green energy and the other who oversees public health, being sent to France to the Bastille day celebration? 


when I said my prayers, the Lord told me to stop being snotty and pray for this hurting person.

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