Thursday, June 16, 2022

let's talk about sex

And while we are discussing taboo subjects: Here is professor Peterson's take on the trans craze and the danger of surgery that is being pushed on vulnerable kids. 


actually that part about do no harm has been twisted to be go along with the latest fad.

I have written earlier about the enthusiastic are insisting that we use the term birthing people because a few partly transitioned people had babies. We are pressured not only to accept this, but are supposed to pretend it is normal and change the way we talk.

The elephant in the room here is the danger of androgens to the growing fetus, but never mind. Taboo to question this.

And while we are on the subject of hormones: I heard that some of the very young kids are given medicines that turn off their hormones to stop puberty. 

Uh, I took this for endometriosis, and it made me cry for six months... indeed, when my patients were given it for prostate cancer, I warned them of the side effect of despression etc.

another problem not noted: osteoporosis.

As for the androgens: Yes, I took that too for endometriosis. It was wonderful: it made me fat hairy and horney.

Indeed, I got so fat I had to resign from the National Guard (and luckily wasn't sent to help with Desert Storm), and I got so horny that it made me decide that maybe I should marry. (long story). And you know, these effects lasted for years after stopping the hormone, to the delight of my husband.

the emotional side of hormones for birth control on women and their libido is rarely discussed...

Another side question is the effect of hormones in wastea water, and the phyto estrogen from plastics and other chemical to the environment is well known but rarely discussed. But it does make one wonder if Children of Men is a prophecy, not a sci fi thriller.

the book is a bit different from the movie: The father of the child was handicapped and should have been aborted but somehow was born. Here they make the mother an immigrant, i.e. an unwanted non person.

but the theme is the same: That the child is precious, not an unwanted side effect of sex 

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