Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Headlines you might have missed

Lifestyle changes could lower need for high blood pressure medicine.

Duh. Hippocrates knew this. The problem? Given the choice between a pill and diet/exercize, most people prefer the pill.

Lolo jogged until he hit age 88, but he wouldn't give up his soy sauce/patis/salty Fiilipino dishes.

and of course, for severe high blood pressure, mere diet and exercize doesn't work.

For some of us, exercize is hell. (arthritis, fear of ridicule). My only exercize is to walk George the cat killing Labrador, but even then, I go with the cook for fear of falling/being pulled down by the dog).


Probiotics are useless. the study was in healthy people.

dirty little secret: Most medicines are useless in healthy people.

another cholera epidemic in Harare (Zimbabwe).

The problem? infrastructure collapse from not repairing it.

The government is saying that it is doing what it can, but say it is hindered by the current economic crisis. The opposition blames the lack of resources on decades of corruption and mismanagement.

two cases of monkey pox in the UK in people returning from Africa.

not usually fatal and not easily transmitted person to person.


After every typhoon, we have a minor epidemic of Leptospirosis. It is easily treated with antibiotics, but often people don't seek help in time.

Article about the problem HERE.

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