Wednesday, September 25, 2013

hearing loss

UKTelegraph says that French Horn players are at the highest risk for hearing problems.

Scientists have found that those who play the distinctive, curved brass instruments experience some of the loudest noises within an orchestra and have the highest risk of hearing loss.
New findings suggest that up to a third of horn players suffer hearing problems in at least one of their ears, with younger musicians being most at risk.
It is thought that the shape of the instrument, which can direct the sound towards the player's ears and those of their neighbour, is partly responsible for this increased risk compared to other musicians.
and they aren't the only ones:

A recent study published last year by scientists in Slovenia, suggested that violinists were also highly prone to hearing loss due to the proximity of their instrument to their ears.

and here, for your enjoyment, is a song about French Horns:

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