Wednesday, February 14, 2024

experimenting on humans


Japan produces 1st pigs designed for organ transplants

The original genetically modified pig was produced by U.S. biotechnology company eGenesis. In September 2023, PorMedTec received cells from the pig and produced cloned fertilized eggs. The eggs were transplanted into the uterus of an adult sow, and pregnancy was confirmed.,,,


In 2022, the University of Maryland announced it had transplanted a genetically modified pig heart to a patient with end stage heart failure. The patient died after about two months, but the operation attracted a great deal of attention as a step closer to realizing xenotransplantation. The university performed a second pig heart transplant in September 2023, and the patient died 40 days later. The University of Alabama and New York University have reported a total of five studies involving transplants of kidneys from genetically modified pigs into people who were brain dead. Revivicor Inc., a subsidiary of United Therapeutics Corp., a U.S. company, also produces genetically modified pigs for transplants of hearts and kidneys. In January this year, eGenesis announced that it had conducted a study in which a genetically engineered pig liver was connected to a brain dead person. The company said no rejection was observed during a 72-hour observation period. Normal pig organs are usually immediately rejected when transplanted into humans. To overcome this problem, eGenesis modified 10 different genes in the pig.'





CRISPR-edited pig liver from eGenesis passes first test in brain-dead human, researchers says

so they used crispr, not fetal cells, I think.

But what's that about braindead person?

On a gurney, a brain-dead patient lay connected to a whirring Rube Goldberg-esque machine: a tangle of tubes and siphons on wheels. From a cannula on one end, blood from the patient entered, was pumped full of oxygen and other nutrients, then pushed into a cozy, temperature-controlled chamber containing a liver — one that until very recently had belonged to a CRISPR-edited pig — before being returned to the patient.

an older article said they had a partner in China: a 2021 article in Nature...even though this was written months after the Wuhan viral escape from a Chinese lab was known, the article is essentially a puff article about the lady scientist who spouts propaganda about using Chinese expertise in the area.

interesting fact: THe epidemic of African swine flu messed up their ability to get proper pigs.

and as to the ethics, she repeats the mantra of all those people dying without organs.

Penn medicine article about a brain dead person hooked to a pig liver.

at least they thanked the family, and even quotes the family's happiness that the loved one was able to help others. But the language used by the family is not the syntax of normal English as she is spoken (as the saying goes). “Our family is very proud to support this medical advancement and see our loved one’s legacy benefit countless others,” said a member of the donor family. “It is a testament to our loved one’s selflessness and compassion to know this donation offers such hope for people suffering serious disease in the future.” "

that is legalize, not the way a person usually talks.

but at least the kidneys have monkeys being experimented on instead of humans,

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