Monday, January 15, 2024

the problem of concussions and minimal brain damage

 there was a lot of talk awhile back about football causing concussions and brain damage. And of course, boxers developing punch drunk symptoms has sort of been known for decades.

So StrategyPage has a long discussion here of how concussions can cause symptoms that overlap the symptoms of post traumatic stress syndrome.

These included over a quarter million cases of traumatic brain injury, more commonly called concussion and over a hundred thousand cases of PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that were discovered among combat veterans since September 11, 2001...

In the last decade it has become clear that injury and disability from PTSD and concussions from explosions were more of a factor than previously thought. Many troops, because of exposure to roadside bombs and battlefield explosions in general, developed minor concussions that, like sports injuries, could turn into long term medical problems. Often these concussions were accompanied by some PTSD.


Examining medical histories of World War II, Korea, and Vietnam War vets showed a pattern of later medical problems among many concussion victims. The same pattern has been found among athletes and accident victims who suffered concussions.

the good news: there are now better ways to diagnose these problem

The bad news: no good treatment for them. 

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