Friday, April 28, 2023

Death on the march


Dr. Campbell discusses the covid jab lies (again) but they also discuss euthanasia.

yes, depressing.

This is being pushed in popular films and the MSM as compassionate and many see it as a way to stay in control of their lives as they get older and frail.

But back in the 1990s I researched the ethical literature, which was pushing three trends: Limiting medical care for those with poor quality of life, insisting that a person is not a person unless they meet the criteria for personhood, and eliminating the idea that we are responsible for our neighbor, because it is one of those things the deity thinks we should do.

I was getting a bit paranoid about all of this, until Pope John Paul II wrote an encyclical that noted the same thing: follow the money. The encyclical is easy to read, and covers all the trends behind what he calls the cultures of death, and he also inculdes the reminder that "

It needs to be determined whether the means of treatment available are objectively proportionate to the prospects for improvement. To forego extraordinary or disproportionate means is not the equivalent of suicide or euthanasia; it rather expresses acceptance of the human condition in the face of death.

Something that often naive pro life types see as wrong, and minorities who distrust the medical establishment insist on doing everything, because they distrust the medical establishment. (no not paranoia: the Tuskegee experiment, the Red Lake Strep study, the Oklahoma city non treatment protocol for meningocoels all come to mind).

Ironically, Tucker Carlson got it right. It's about a world view that thinks there is a God and alas a lot of American trends are about the ME ME ME idea of narcissistic egotism.

No I have never watched him: I live in the Philippines and rarely watch the inane discussions on CNN or Fox on our cable TV, although I do watch local ANC news and the BBC when I need to find out what is going on.

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