Friday, July 8, 2022

Excess deaths post covid


we have seen this: A lot of elders dying of heart problems, I suspect from poorly controlled diabetes or Blood pressure during the epidemic.

notice at 13 minutes in he discusses what really lowered the death rate: Nutrition and improved living conditions.

We have seen a lot of elders dying at home (something he notes). they were chronically ill but why didn't they go to the hospital? I have gotten several requests for money to go to the nearby city for stroke care, suggesting stroke was the cause and maybe they died there, or were sent home to die. But most of the elders dying at home seem to be the chronically ill. For example, Joy's mom who was slowly dying of Parkinson's disease who died two months after her husband died of a massive stroke...

As for delay in diagnosis: Yes, Joy lost a nephew because he didn't see a doc when his cancer came back, and he delayed treatment for 6 months.

... I have read about cases in the west in the past, but usually they were in travelers and didn't spread.
So why now? and guess what? Monkey pox is being spead via orgies in the west. Half have had STDs in the last year, so these men know they are at risk for STDs, meaning they didn't stop their high risk behavior.

I am so old that I remember when docs used to test ladies in brothels, or close those who were found to spread STD/s... they also routinely raided and closed places of hookups because of the threat of disease, but after the Stonewall riots and lots of propaganda, that might be forbidden.

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