Friday, September 6, 2024

MPox: Not caught by nearby contact

CDC traced contacts of those traveling in the same airplane with a person with MPox, and found no one got the disease.

During 2021–2022, 113 persons traveled on commercial flights while they were infectious with clade II mpox. Among 1,046 traveler contacts followed by U.S. public health agencies, CDC identified no secondary cases.

What are the implications for public health practice?

Traveling on a flight with a person with mpox does not appear to constitute an exposure risk or warrant routine contact tracing activities.

Hmm... guess none of these folks joined the mile high club during the trip. 

spontaneous micro stuctures


awaiting Youtube to remove the video, so I will post this transcript 

 0:00 a warm welcome to this talk it's Friday 0:02 the 6th of September now I've heard 0:04 about this phenomena years ago of course 0:06 but only just got some evidence to 0:08 support it so we can only just report on 0:10 it now this is from peer-reviewed 0:12 literature and it's a scientists based 0:14 in Japan and South Korea and what 0:17 they've done is they've taken covid 0:18 vaccines mostly fiser and Mna and 0:21 cultured them incubated them to try and 0:23 duplicate the conditions in the human 0:25 body and the found Nano structures have 0:28 developed now I don't expect you're 0:30 going to watch this video or or be 0:32 allowed to watch this video but I'm 0:33 going to do it anyway and if by some 0:35 chance a few of you actually get to see 0:37 it then that's brilliant now here's the 0:39 equipment that was actually uh used here 0:42 it's stereo microscopes now basically 0:44 all this means is you looking at it with 0:47 two eyes therefore you get stereoscopic 0:49 vision and what happened was that 0:50 initially they developed two dimensional 0:53 Nano structures and then some became 0:55 three-dimensional as well and of course 0:56 you can see that with a stereo 0:58 stereoscopic mic scope let's go and look 1:01 at some now that was the equipment that 1:03 they were using uh and of course these 1:06 days you know so much look down the 1:07 microscope it all goes on a screen so 1:10 you can take copies of it now these are 1:13 from the publication these are the some 1:15 of the Nano structures that were 1:16 observed in uh as I've said before uh 1:20 conditions that were designed to 1:21 duplicate human cells in the human body 1:24 that developed uh from the covid 1:27 vaccines the Mr the MRNA vaccine 1:30 now the scale here um we'll we'll I'll 1:33 just show you a couple of pictures and 1:34 we'll look at the scale so these are the 1:36 sort of structures that were finding I 1:38 mean what the heck is that you know that 1:40 that is a structure that 1:42 spontaneously um sort of put itself 1:44 together a spontaneous assembly of this 1:47 structure from the covid vaccine uh 1:50 cultures now the scale here uh 10 uh 10 1:53 micrometers um so that's uh so one one 1:58 micrometer would be uh one micrometer 2:01 would be um the size of a sort of a 2:03 bacterial cell seven micrometers would 2:06 be the size of a red blood cell so you 2:07 can see these are Nano structures but 2:09 this is a very detailed looking 2:11 structure that has spontaneously 2:13 assembled itself here really quite uh 2:16 really quite 2:17 um um yeah well look at it you know that 2:20 that that spontaneously assembled itself 2:23 what the heck uh is it um now uh of 2:27 course as always we don't have uh I 2:29 wouldn't be giving full answers to these 2:31 questions read the paper for yourself 2:33 but this these this means the presence 2:36 of these Nano structures needs to be 2:38 explained by the manufacturers and by uh 2:41 International authorizing agencies and 2:43 National authorizing agencies around the 2:46 world this is a peer-reviewed 2:47 publication and I believe it gives 2:49 questions to be 2:51 answered um even if it's only that this 2:54 is a load of rubbish then that still 2:56 needs to be still needs to be answered 2:57 let's look at a couple more pictures 2:59 before we look at the text 3:00 um so these spiral ones seem to come up 3:03 again spontaneously just put themselves 3:06 together spontaneous sort 3:08 of another Spiral there um another one 3:14 there tell you what I don't like the 3:17 idea of these spontaneously forming in 3:18 the themselves of my body if that is 3:20 indeed the case we don't know that but 3:21 if that's the case I don't like the idea 3:23 of it at all not at all and 10 3:26 micrometers that's actually pretty big 3:27 actually um if that's the scale there 10 3:29 micr M um so this this whole thing is 3:33 actually uh is actually quite 3:35 large uh relatively 3:37 speaking what is 3:40 that spontaneously formed 3:45 structure well that one anyway lots more 3:48 examples in the uh paper


do uh look at 3:52 it for yourself and check it out that 3:54 the paper is there and the pictures are 3:56 all there now um as I say I don't think 3:58 many people are going to be watch this 4:00 video because I'm not optimistic about 4:02 getting a wide distribution shall we say 4:05 but never mind we're going to do it 4:07 anyway


um so real time self assembly 4:10 self assembly these things are bolting 4:12 themselves together as it were of 4:15 stereoscopic stereo microscopically 4:17 visible so you can see them through the 4:18 stereo 4:19 microscope um specimens of mRNA products 4:23 mainly from fiser and madna a 4:25 comprehensive longitudinal study so 4:27 Construction in constructions 4:30 in incubated specimens of mRNA products 4:36 is what these workers did and our 4:39 observation suggests the presence of 4:40 some kind of nanotechnology in the C 4:42 injectables now I'm I know what I'm um I 4:45 know this is sounds pretty um uh 4:48 interesting material and I'm only I'm 4:51 being very very very careful not to go 4:53 outside of what the article is saying 4:56 the peer-reviewed article is saying and 4:57 of course I'll be giving you full 4:58 references and everything for that um so 5:02 I'm being very careful in this in this 5:04 video not to go outside what it's saying 5:06 observable observable realtime injuries 5:09 at cellular 5:11 level in the recipients of the safe and 5:14 effective co9 injectables are documented 5:18


Here For the First Time hence the fact 5:20 that we're doing it I think this paper 5:21 just came out a few days ago last week 5:23 maybe with a presentation of a 5:25 comprehensive description and Analysis 5:27 of observed phenomena that need to be 5:30 explained the global administration of 5:32 these often mandated products from late 5:34 2020 triggered a plethora of independent 5:37 research studies why weren't they 5:40 nationally sponsored and Industry 5:42 sponsored research studies why is it 5:44 down to Independent scientists and I 5:46 have talked to uh several other 5:48 independent scientists who've come up 5:50 with similar findings to this but I'm 5:52 can't talk about those because it's not 5:53 published in the peer-reviewed 5:54 literature we're going to stick to what 5:55 is in the peer-reviewed literature um 6:00 of uh of of modified RNA injectable Gene 6:04 therapies so of course they're injecting 6:06 genetic material instructing the body to 6:09 make foreign proteins they are not 6:12 injecting the protein directly most 6:15 noticeably those manufactured by fizer 6:17 and madna in this 6:20 paper uh analysis report analyses 6:24 reported 6:25 here consists of precise laboratory 6:28 bench science aiming to understand why 6:31 serious debilitating prolonged injuries 6:33 and many other side of this particular 6:35 adverse reaction um occurred 6:38 increasingly without any measurable 6:39 protective effect uh the contents of the 6:42 covid-19 injectables were examined under 6:44 a stereo microscope up up to 400 times 6:48 magnification um carefully preserved 6:50 specimens were cultured in a range of 6:53 distinct 6:54 media uh to observe immediate and 6:58 long-term cause and effect relationships 7:00 between the injectables and living cells 7:02 under carefully controlled conditions in 7:04 other words I'm not saying these 7:05 scientists succeeded in doing that but 7:07 what they were trying to do is duplicate 7:08 living conditions in the laboratory 7:11 bench where they could look at it under 7:12 these microscopes 

they were attempting 7:14 to duplicate the physiological 7:16 conditions of the human body the degree 7:20 to which they did that I'm not really 7:23 able to adjudicate on but they they did 7:25 their best to do that and again this 7:27 needs to be duplicated around the world 7:30 and it needs to be explained because I 7:31 mean he I mean look at that I mean look 7:33 at it I mean what is that what are these 7:37 things 

um I mean it's just yeah an 7:42 explanation is clearly required here I 7:45 would have thought I would have thought 7:48 let me know what you think anyway let's 7:50 carry on carefully control conditions 7:53 from such research reasonable inferences 7:56 can be drawn about observed injury so 7:57 they're saying that it's reasonable the 7:59 the the researchers here are saying it's 8:01 reasonable to uh make inferences from 8:04 what they're seeing in the laboratory to 8:05 what will be happening in the body 8:06 because they're trying to duplicate the 8:08 conditions in the body of course the 8:09 study should be done in the body as well 8:12 

this should be a a great trigger for 8:14 future research um done by authorized uh 8:19 institutions around the world and 8:21 

Regulatory bodies around the world this 8:23 should be done to explain this don't 8:25 hold your 8:28 breath right uh from such research 8:30 reasonable influences can be drawn about 6:33 and many other side of this particular 6:35 adverse reaction um occurred 6:38 increasingly without any measurable 6:39 protective effect uh the contents of the 6:42 covid-19 injectables were examined under 6:44 a stereo microscope up up to 400 times 6:48 magnification um carefully preserved 6:50 specimens were cultured in a range of 6:53 distinct 6:54 media uh to observe immediate and 6:58 long-term cause and effect relationships 7:00 between the injectables and living cells 7:02 under carefully controlled conditions 

in 7:04 other words I'm not saying these 7:05 scientists succeeded in doing that but 7:07 what they were trying to do is duplicate 7:08 living conditions in the laboratory 7:11 bench where they could look at it under 7:12 these microscopes they were attempting 7:14 to duplicate the physiological 7:16 conditions of the human body the degree 7:20 to which they did that I'm not really 7:23 able to adjudicate on but they they did 7:25 their best to do that and again this 7:27 needs to be duplicated around the world 7:30 and it needs to be explained because I 7:31 mean he I mean look at that I mean look 7:33 at it I mean what is that what are these 7:37 things um I mean it's just yeah an 7:42 explanation is clearly required here I 7:45 would have thought I would have thought 7:48 

let me know what you think anyway let's 7:50 carry on carefully control conditions 7:53 from such research reasonable inferences 7:56 can be drawn about observed injury so 7:57 they're saying that it's reasonable the 7:59 the the researchers here are saying it's 8:01 reasonable to uh make inferences from 8:04 what they're seeing in the laboratory to 8:05 what will be happening in the body 8:06 because they're trying to duplicate the 8:08 conditions in the body 

of course the 8:09 study should be done in the body as well 8:12 this should be a a great trigger for 8:14 future research um done by authorized uh 8:19 institutions around the world and 8:21 Regulatory bodies around the world this 8:23 should be done to explain this 

don't 8:25 hold your 8:28 breath right uh from such research 8:30 reasonable influences can be drawn about 8:32 OBS observed injuries worldwide that 8:35 have occurred since the injectables were 8:37 pressed upon billions of individuals so 8:38 they're saying that this basically what 8:40 they're saying is I think this is a 8:41 pathophysiological mechanism that could 8:43 explain the adverse reactions or some of 8:45 the adverse reactions that we are 8:48 tragically seeing and of course we've 8:50 interviewed quite a few people now on 8:52 this channel who suffered uh from this 8:55 as 8:56 well uh in addition to Cellular toxicity

 8:59 if that wasn't bad 9:01 enough our findings reveal numerous on 9:04 the order of three to so that's between 9:07 that's that's 10 to the 6 that's um 3 to 9:09 four million of these artifacts per Mill 9:13 of the injectable heck that's 9:15 four four one two three one two three up 9:19 to up to four million between three and 9:22 four million dear me visible artifacts 9:25 self assembling entities self- 9:28 assembling entities ranging from about 1 9:31 micrometer to about 100 micrometers 100 9:33 microns or greater of many different 9:36 shapes as we said one me one micrometers 9:38 about the size of a bacterial cell if 9:40 you've got good young eyes you could 9:41 probably just about see an object of 100 9:44 micrometers uh it's a 10 10th of a 9:46 millimeter isn't it with the naked eye 9:48 at a push I probably couldn't at my age 9:50 but maybe we my glasses 

anyway the 9:55 researchers go 9:57 on they were animated were like entities 10:00 dis chains spirals tubes right angled 10:03 right angled 10:04 structures right angled structures 10:07 containing other artifact artifactual 10:09 entities within 10:11 them artifacts within 10:13 artifacts all these are exceedingly 10:16 Beyond any expected and acceptable level 10:18 of contamination of the covid-19 10:22 injectables thought 3 to four million 10:24 per Mill is way off the scale indeed an 10:27 incubation studies revealed the uh 10:30 Progressive self assembly self assembly 10:34 of many artifactual structures what the 10:37 heck are they as time progressed during 10:40 incubation simple one and two 10:42 dimensional structures over two or 3 10:43 weeks became more complex in shape and 10:46 size developing into stereoscopically 10:48 visible entities in three 10:52 dimensions these became 10:54 three-dimensional 10:55 structures in their incubated cultures 10:58 designed to replicate the conditions 11:00 inside the human 11:03 body 

um they resembled uh carbon nanot 11:07 tube filaments ribbons tapes some 11:09 appearing as transparent thin flat 11:11 membranes others as 11:13 three-dimensional spiral beaded 11:16 chains some of these seem to appear then 11:19 disappear over time our observations 11:22 suggest the presence of some kind of 11:25 nanotechnology in the covid-19 11:27 injectables now this is directly from 11:30 peer review literature 

um I don't expect 11:33 you'll see it I suspect strongly that I 11:36 am currently uh talking to myself in the 11:40 back room in Carlile 11:42 somewhere um um if some if you do get to 11:45 see it then we consider that a bonus you 11:48 can think about it um now I'll just give 11:51 you some of the uh references here for 11:53 this so this is the uh this is the 11:55 journal here 

uh International Journal of 11:59 vaccine theory practice and research the 12:03 international journey of Journal of 12:04 theory practice and research is a 12:06 peer-reviewed scholarly Open Access 12:08 Journal uh concerning the development 12:10 distribution and monitoring of vaccines 12:12 and their components all content is 12:15 freely available without charge to the 12:16 user or his her institution which of 12:19 course is excellent 

users May Read 12:21 download copy distribute print search or 12:23 link the full text of Articles or use 12:25 them for any other lawful purpose 12:28 permission is not required from the 12:30 publisher nor from the author but we do 12:32 give them full credit of 12:35 course isn't this 12:37 refreshing this is 12:39 our work we're reporting on it and it's 12:44 it's free it's in the public domain it 12:46 is the anti antithesis of the 12:48 control of the control 12:51 agenda that so often we've seen with 12:53 people not wanting to release papers for 12:56 decades after the uh research was been 12:59 done very refreshing so that is about 13:01 the journal there um the actual article 13:05 itself is uh we got the article 13:10 itself um what do I do oh there we go 13:13 that's the that's the journal there uh 13:15 that's the full journal and again you 13:18 can download the full Journal quite uh 13:21 excellent so that's the paper that's the 13:24 journal 

I've downloaded in PDF of course 13:27 and that's the attribution 13:29 non-commercial 13:30 nondirective deed I quite fully 13:33 understand that but it it just it's 13:35 great that it's basically uh share you 13:37 are free to share and uh it's just um 13:42 it's it's just and of course we give 13:43 full credit to the authors which I will 13:44 do now 13:46 um these are the authors here physician 13:50 Dr Young M Le uh Republic of Korea and 13:54 uh Professor BR brow okar Christian 13:57 University Japan 13:59 of course the links as always are there 14:01 to check them out for yourself so what 14:03 we've done is report on a peer review 14:05 paper it's in the scientific literature 14:06 as we've completely demonstrated in this 14:08 video I'm just sorry that um I suspect 14:12 that not many of you all get to watch 14:14 this video but there we go 14:20 um yeah isn't that transparency 14:22 refreshing and really refreshing to see 14:25 that this is our work look at it share 14:28 it agree with it disagree with it do 14:30 further work to prove it do further work 14:33 to say it's a load of rubbish but it's 14:34 there open for public peer analysis 14:40 brilliant the antithesis to so much of 14:42 the more 14:44 commercial 14:48 research of the 14:51 past few years and 14:53 decades but for now look the paper for 14:56 yourself let me know what you think 

if 14:58 any of you you actually get to see 15:01 it so bye hope I'm not talking to myself 15:04 but thank you for watching if somehow 15:06 you have COVID-19 vaccine

the PDF link to the article is here.

I haven't had time to read it, and it is probably something I am not an expert in (these sciences didn't exist when I was in medical school).

this journal's readers forum is looking for specialists to debunk the work and calls the journal that published this a sham journal.

there are a lot of people pointing out that one of the authors is a naturpathic doc, and that the main author seems to be someone who works on AI but no medical background except for conspiracy theories.

more debunking herebut when the article claims:


Specifically, the authors mentioned vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, quercetin, and the antiparasitic drugs ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, none of which have proven effective at preventing or treating COVID-19.

Uh, actually there are articles that suggest these medicines work (and others that suggest they don't). So that is an unproven statement.

These are serious charges, especially in these days when anti vaxxers can claim anything and be believed by a significant subgroup of the population.

after the Dengue vaccine debacle, we saw a lot of anti vax stuff here, and that led to people not getting routine shots for their kids, and we had children dying of measles, and cases of whooping cough, whooping cough and even diphtheria.

Al Jezeerah has a report here. (I use AlJ because it is good for reporting on third world problems, and is not controlled by the US.)

This report notes the exaggeration of deaths supposedly caused by the vaccine (a few, but most of the deaths were not related, nor were the lives saved given publicity). And they report on the deaths caused by parents to afraid to get routine vaccines for their kids, especially measles vaccine.

that is why I had to laugh when the anti CIA conspiracy theorists claimed that the CIA put up stuff on social media to discourage people from taking the Chinese vaccine for two reasons :One, people were already suspicious of vaccines (indeed, our DOH refused to sign a non liability paper to get the mRNA vaccines offered to us in Jan 2021 because they didn't trust big pharma) and two: Population studies in Indonesia, which widely used the Sinovax, found it didn't work.

In other words, the anti vax people are gaining credibility because of the censorship of very real problems with the disease, and alas they tend to exaggerate the problems, and this will lead to more people dying, as we saw in the Philippines after the Dengue vaccine.

But what is not addressed in the debunking article is the actual claims about these microstructures.

anyone? Anyone? 

these seem to be crystalization problems that indeed would be better investigated by non physicians but experts in nano technology.

or as Dr. C asks:

 this should be a a great trigger for future research um done by authorized institutions around the world and  Regulatory bodies around the world 
... to explain this. 
